1. Coughs and colds
2. Relieving hot flashes of menopause
3. Aiding concentration
Peppermint essential oil for coughs and colds
Peppermint is one of the most effective aromatherapy oils for managing coughs and colds. To reap these health benefits of peppermint essential oil, simply put 20 drops of peppermint essential oil in one cup (8 oz or 250 ml) of water and put it in your facial steamer or sauna. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam as it is known to be a potent expectorant.
If your facial steamer comes with instructions, use the number of drops recommended by the manufacturer. If you don’t have a facial steamer, simply put the peppermint into a bowl of hot water and cover your head and the sides of your face with a towel to prevent the steam from escaping.
Peppermint essential oil for hot flashes of menopause
To use this aromatherapy oil to help you manage the hot flashes of menopause, add 50 drops (2.5 ml or ½ teaspoons) of peppermint essential oil to one cup (8 oz or 250 ml) of distilled water in a spray bottle and use it to spray your face, neck and other parts of your body whenever you feel a hot flash coming on as its evaporation process will cool you off.
Peppermint essential oil for aiding concentration
The aromatherapy benefits of peppermint essential oil also include aiding mental concentration. Therefore, if you are feeling lethargic, you can add 5 drops of peppermint essential oil to a handkerchief and sniff it as you work.
You can also place an essential oil warmer close to your work desk, add 12 drops of peppermint essential oil to ¼ cup (2oz or 60ml) of water, place it on the oil warmer and light it up so that you can scatter the mentally stimulating scent.
Words of Caution
Though most aromatherapy essential oils are safe to use, if you have any medical condition or you are pregnant, you should always consult a certified aromatherapist before using aromatherapy essential oils.
In addition, do not confuse natural essential oils with fragrance oils are the later are purely synthetic and do not have the therapeutic benefits of pure essential oils. Therefore, purchase organic, therapeutic blend aromatherapy essential oils from ethical suppliers and improve you physical, mental and emotional well being.
Learn more about the health benefits of peppermint and other essential oils from the Aromatherapy 101 Course.